Opening |
SimplyStella dot com was registered back in 2004.
At that time, I was a student at high school - it was an art institute - with a passion for art of every kind. Opening this site was actually my mum's idea. She thought it was important for me to have a personal website were I could host an online portfolio.
I knew she was right, and that's why on the 7th of October, 2004, was registered.
Name Meaning |
Choosing the name for the site wasn't as easy as it may seem. The name had to be: short, easy to recall and understand, personal, distinctive.. but not too much, since I had no idea of what to put in the site, not too obvious yet not too quirky.
After discarding a lot of names, I came up with Simply Stella. It was perfect: short, easy to recall and to understand, personal and distinctive since it's basically based on my own name, not too quirky and not too ordinary.
Original Contents and Evolution |
As said above, the site's original aim was to have an online portfolio, to use when I would have started to look for a job in the art and design field; but I never finished high school, making my mom's dreams of a successful daughter vanish, along with this site main purpose.
Even so, I used this site as a personal online showcase for a lot of time: there were my digital/pixel art and dolls, my photos, downloadable stuff.
The lates addiction to the site is my new art-love, Vector art, and my illustration series "Think Pastel".
Hiatus |
Meanwhile, I started to make contents for the very famous pc game "The Sims 2". I enjoyed it so much that I decided to open my own site to share those contents. At first on a free hosting; then I hosted it here, and in the end, as the site kept growing, I bought Taking care of two sites at the same time was funny at first, but almost impossible after an year. StarSims totally absorbed all my free time, and I slowly let SimplyStella +die+ until I definitely stopped to update it, back in February 2006.
Good Intentions and Projects |
After over one year of hiatus, I decided to take back to life. I just woke up one morning, turned on my pc and started working on the new layout. At the end of the same day, the layout was basically done.
Then, it took me over a year to update the whole site, since I decided to start over from scratch. I re-made everything!
My good intention for the year 2008 is to keep updating this site everytime I can. Don't know how - but I'll do my best, I swear!