 Clay Miniature Pizza tutorial pt.2 (Dressing) |
Pour some Fimo Liquid on a piece of scrap plastic. Dip the tip of a toothpick into red oil paint and mix it with
Fimo Liquid (you can also use TLS, althought Fimo liquid looks better).
Now, here's the part where I admittedly messed up! I was looking for a way to achieve a more realistic, "lumpy"
tomato sauce, and I thought about adding little pieces of red clay to the Fimo Liquid+oil paint mix.
I didn't like the result, so.. |
.. I tried to add table salt to the mix. While it does look better this way, I'm not really satisfied with the outcome,
yet. If anyone can come up with a better way to achieve realistic tomato sauce I'd be happy to learn about it! :D
Anyway, once you're done mixing oil paint, clay, salt and Fimo Liquid, spread it on the (baked and cooled down)
pizza base, starting from the center. Bake again for 5 minutes, then let the pizza cool off. |
Mix a tiny amount of white oil paint to TLS. Alternatively, you can use oil paint and Fimo Liquid, or white clay
mixed to water. Spread the mix on the pizza, leaving some blank spaces here and there to show the tomato
sauce underneath.
If you're using TLS, squeeze some directly from the bottle onto the pizza, as if you were drawing some lines on
it. If you're not using TLS, make a "thinner" white liquid clay by adding more Fimo Liquid/Water.
You want this second layer to be more translucent to give a "melted" cheese effect (hope this makes sense..) |
Optional: If you have a piece of leftover, baked green clay laying around, you can scrape it onto your "melted
cheese" to mimic the oregano on the pizza. If you don't, don't sweat it; we're going to add real oregano later!
I'm making a pizza Margherita - the basic, tomato and mozzarella kind - , but if you want you can add other
"ingredients" to make other kind of pizza: salami slices, wurstel, bacon, onions, mushrooms, artichokes...
Have fun adding as many ingredients as you like!
Once you're done, bake your mini pizza one final time (baking times depends on wich kind of polymer clay you
are using, but it usually takes about half an hour for the clay to be properly baked). |
Once the pizza has cooled off, wipe it with alcohol to remove any excess of grease on it.
Then, take some light
brown acrylic paint and paint the back of the pizza using a sponge (an old, ripped make up sponge is perfect). |
Using the same sponge and paint, add some color to the extreme borders of the front of your pizza.
Pick up
some ocre yellow acrylic paint with a fine brush and paint on some areas on the cheese, then blend them with a
clean sponge.
Repeat the last step with a darker brown, painting little spots above the bigger yellow areas. |
Spread a coat of varnish on the whole surface of the pizza, and, while it's
still wet, add some oregano to the center of the pizza. Let dry and...
..your mini-pizza is ready!
You can download free pizza box templates on my blog. Print, fold and
glue them and you'll be ready to throw a pizza party for your dolls!
Alternatively, you can add a magnet or a pin to the back of the pizza to
create yummy accessories.. unleash your magination!